Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I started my project my sending a Email to my granny but she never replied. After asking my parents some questions about my family heritage I made twenty questions to ask my grandmother Lee and my grandfather Richard. They gave me a lot of good and helpful information. Once I got information I created a family tree. My mom helped me get just over 300 people on my family tree. After that I created a prezi, infographic, and 5 frame story board below.

Monday, May 5, 2014


I thought this video was very true.  This video made scene and i could connect to it.  People do miss out on a lot of opportunities because they have their heads down looking at their phones.  If people payed attention and talked to people face to face there would be a lot more connection between people.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

I think that this post was awesome.  I think the teacher is trying to say that teachers actually do care about their students and not just about the students grades, the teachers want the students to succeed in life and do well and learn how to overcome hard situations. I think the main event in this post is him telling everyone that he does care about and want the students to succeed in life.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Reflect on your stop-motion animation project. How did it go? What worked? What didn't work? If you're not finished - why? If you are finished go in to detail about the project and what you learned. Give as much detail and information as possible.

I think it worked fairly good, I had too many pictures so it wouldn't save.  I learned it takes time to make one. I took over 500 photos and the Stop Motion Animation is just over a minute long.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


What is your idea for your stop-motion animation? Explain yourself. Have you started taking photos? If not, when do you plan to take your photos? What is your action plan for today? What is your plan to GET SOMETHING DONE?

My idea involves my girlfriend, i am going to take pictures of her swinging at the park then walking to my house and tumbling on the way and arriving at my house then doing flips on the trampoline.  I plan to take pictures over the weekend when she comes over.  My plan for today is to help people out with their projects.

Monday, April 7, 2014


What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.

Stop motion is like a video except it is made up of many pictures.

Friday, April 4, 2014

5 Frame Story


Tell me about your 5 frame storyboard. What did you like about the project? What did you dislike? Was it hard to fit a story in to 5 images? Do you think you tell a clear story? What would you do differently if you could? Explain.

I like this project because it is simple.  I don't like it because it is only 5 pictures and it is hard to tell a story in 5 pictures.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


What is a storyboard? If you don't know, what do you think it is? How are storyboards used? What are some different ways that storyboards can be made?

A storyboard is a sequence of drawings planned for a movie/television show. They are used for an outline of what the actual shot is gonna be.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Did you get your pictures taken yesterday? Did you enjoy going on the photo scavenger hunt? Why do you think I had you take those types of pictures?

Yes, i thought the scavenger hunt was kind of fun except for the part that my phone got stuck in a metal pillar. I think you had us take those kind of pictures because they can be edited easily.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


What do you know about photography? When you take pictures what kind of camera do you use? Do you use your cell phone? Do you own a digital camera that is not your cell phone? Explain.

I know a little about photography, when i take pictures i take them with my Nikon D3200 because it is a lot better camera than my phone and i like to take pictures.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Welcome back! How was your Spring Break? Tell me all about it. You've been out of school for 10 days so I know you will have plenty to share. Make it good!

My spring break was amazing, my family and I went to Puerto Rico during spring break.  We went zip lining in the only tropical rain forest in the united states.  We also took a 50 foot catamaran out into the ocean and snorkeled.  Another thing we did was that we took a fairy to this little island called Culebra, this island is rated at the second most beautiful beach in the world!  This spring break was amazing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Prepare yourself... I want you to really THINK about this blog post. I mean really use your brain. What is the significance of an infographic? What is the point of pairing graphics and information together? What impact can this have on a reader or viewer. EXPLAIN.

I think the significance of an infographic is to have an easy way of viewing information and graphics.  The way a infographic presents information is easy to view.  I think an infographic can have a positive impact on a reader or viewer because they will get all of the information they need without having to read long paragraphs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


If you had the option of writing a 3 page paper or creating an infographic - which one would you choose? Explain yourself.

I would chose to make an infographic because they are fun and easy to make and they are easy to get the information off of.

Friday, February 28, 2014


How far along are you on your infographic? Will you be finished and ready to embed on to your blog by the end of the hour today? Do you think you've used your time wisely in class? Explain yourself.

I would say I am about 25% done with my infographic.  I don't think I will be finished by the end of the day. I have sort of used my time wisely but i think i could have used it better.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Why do I have you brainstorm and collect your information in a Google Doc before putting in to final draft? Explain.

I think you have us do this so we have all of the information and so that it will be easier to put the information into piktochart.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Yesterday I introduced you to infographics... tell me again what they are and how they are used? What is the benefit of an infographic? What goes into an infogrpahic?

An infographic is a way to fun way to show statistics, facts, and pictures.  They are used to show information about specific topic in a fun way that is pleasing to the eye.  The benefit of a infographic is a easier way to look at information.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Global Issue Paper

This Global Issue Paper is about gun control.  This paper tells the causes and effects of gun control as well as how it can be prevented.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

My sweetheart weekend was awesome.  We ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen then went to the Blue Valley West Sweetheart and had a great time.  After that we went to my house and watched a couple movies.

Friday, January 31, 2014


Who do you look up to in life? Why? What have they done to help you or guide you?

I look up to my dad.  The reason I look up to my dad is because he is very successful and I want to be like him.  My dad has helped me do the stuff i want to do.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Tell me about the global issue you selected yesterday. Briefly restate your paragraph from yesterday.

The Global Issue Topic that I chose was gun control.  The reason that I chose gun control is because I love shooting guns and want to know why people use them to hurt other people.

Monday, January 27, 2014



If you could pick one issue in the world to fix or change what would it be and why?

I would fix the economy.  The reason I would fix the economy is because the economy is horrible right now and it just needs to be fixed.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


What is a Public Service Announcement? If you don't know what it is, Google it. In your own words, now tell me what it is? What are they used for? Can you recall an example of a PSA you've seen before?

A public service announcement is an announcement made to the public that has an important message for the public.  They are used to tell the public important information.  9/11 was a PSA.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

I had a good 3 day weekend.  The part that was not that good was getting up at 6 am on Saturday, closing Sunday at 10 pm then getting up at 5 am to open the gas station I work at on Monday.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



What have you learned about Google Drive and Google Presentation so far? What do you like about it? What problems have you run in to? Is it better than PowerPoint? Explain.

I have learned that you can do almost the same thing with Google as you can with Microsoft.  One thing that I like about Google Drive an Presentation is that you can assess it from anywhere that has internet.  One problem ive had with it is that you can not do as much on presentation as you can with Microsoft.  I do think it is better than power point because of these reasons.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted I should be able to use it."

I think that all images come from someone and they should get the credit they deserve.  I think that you should have to cite the source of an image by at least showing the web address you got it from.

Friday, January 10, 2014


What do you want to learn in the class this semester? What information do you want to walk away with that you didn't know before? Elaborate!

I want to learn how to use computers better than I know how to.  I want to learn all of the different tools that you can use on the computer and the internet to make it easier.  I wanna walk away with the ability to do almost anything on the computer with ease.  The reason I want it to be easy is so that it will be faster when I am trying to accomplish task's on the computer.