Friday, January 31, 2014


Who do you look up to in life? Why? What have they done to help you or guide you?

I look up to my dad.  The reason I look up to my dad is because he is very successful and I want to be like him.  My dad has helped me do the stuff i want to do.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Tell me about the global issue you selected yesterday. Briefly restate your paragraph from yesterday.

The Global Issue Topic that I chose was gun control.  The reason that I chose gun control is because I love shooting guns and want to know why people use them to hurt other people.

Monday, January 27, 2014



If you could pick one issue in the world to fix or change what would it be and why?

I would fix the economy.  The reason I would fix the economy is because the economy is horrible right now and it just needs to be fixed.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


What is a Public Service Announcement? If you don't know what it is, Google it. In your own words, now tell me what it is? What are they used for? Can you recall an example of a PSA you've seen before?

A public service announcement is an announcement made to the public that has an important message for the public.  They are used to tell the public important information.  9/11 was a PSA.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

I had a good 3 day weekend.  The part that was not that good was getting up at 6 am on Saturday, closing Sunday at 10 pm then getting up at 5 am to open the gas station I work at on Monday.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



What have you learned about Google Drive and Google Presentation so far? What do you like about it? What problems have you run in to? Is it better than PowerPoint? Explain.

I have learned that you can do almost the same thing with Google as you can with Microsoft.  One thing that I like about Google Drive an Presentation is that you can assess it from anywhere that has internet.  One problem ive had with it is that you can not do as much on presentation as you can with Microsoft.  I do think it is better than power point because of these reasons.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted I should be able to use it."

I think that all images come from someone and they should get the credit they deserve.  I think that you should have to cite the source of an image by at least showing the web address you got it from.

Friday, January 10, 2014


What do you want to learn in the class this semester? What information do you want to walk away with that you didn't know before? Elaborate!

I want to learn how to use computers better than I know how to.  I want to learn all of the different tools that you can use on the computer and the internet to make it easier.  I wanna walk away with the ability to do almost anything on the computer with ease.  The reason I want it to be easy is so that it will be faster when I am trying to accomplish task's on the computer.