Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Did you get your pictures taken yesterday? Did you enjoy going on the photo scavenger hunt? Why do you think I had you take those types of pictures?

Yes, i thought the scavenger hunt was kind of fun except for the part that my phone got stuck in a metal pillar. I think you had us take those kind of pictures because they can be edited easily.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


What do you know about photography? When you take pictures what kind of camera do you use? Do you use your cell phone? Do you own a digital camera that is not your cell phone? Explain.

I know a little about photography, when i take pictures i take them with my Nikon D3200 because it is a lot better camera than my phone and i like to take pictures.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Welcome back! How was your Spring Break? Tell me all about it. You've been out of school for 10 days so I know you will have plenty to share. Make it good!

My spring break was amazing, my family and I went to Puerto Rico during spring break.  We went zip lining in the only tropical rain forest in the united states.  We also took a 50 foot catamaran out into the ocean and snorkeled.  Another thing we did was that we took a fairy to this little island called Culebra, this island is rated at the second most beautiful beach in the world!  This spring break was amazing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Prepare yourself... I want you to really THINK about this blog post. I mean really use your brain. What is the significance of an infographic? What is the point of pairing graphics and information together? What impact can this have on a reader or viewer. EXPLAIN.

I think the significance of an infographic is to have an easy way of viewing information and graphics.  The way a infographic presents information is easy to view.  I think an infographic can have a positive impact on a reader or viewer because they will get all of the information they need without having to read long paragraphs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


If you had the option of writing a 3 page paper or creating an infographic - which one would you choose? Explain yourself.

I would chose to make an infographic because they are fun and easy to make and they are easy to get the information off of.